Guatemala / Travel

Guatemala Maps

  • Vintage map of Guatemala

A holiday guide to Guatemala in maps

A guide to the key holiday highlights and attractions of Guatemala in an interactive map format.

Located in Central America, Guatemala shares a long border with Mexico to the north and west, Belize to the north and east and Honduras & El Salvador to the east.

Broadly speaking, the northern part of Guatemala (the region of Peten) is flat and low-lying while the numerous regions that form the southern half of the country comprise what is known as the Highlands.


Guatemala Mayan Sites

The Mayan civilisation originated in Guatemala over two thousand years ago and there are numerous fascinating, archaeological sites across the country that are worth visiting. The map below details most of the key Mayan sites in Guatemala (plus Copan in Honduras) but is in no way exhaustive.


Guatemala Towns & Cities

Guatemala’s best known town is undoubtedly its one-time capital, the beautiful, UNESCO World Heritage designated Antigua.

However, there are numerous other towns and cities both large and small that are worth including in your itinerary.


Guatemala Natural Highlights

Guatemala is blessed with some of the most beautiful and varied countryside in Central America, including picturesque lakes, rivers, mountains, volcanoes, caves, jungles and cascading waterfalls.

The country is also renowned for its birdlife, especially its national bird, the Quetzal.

When to visit Guatemala

  • January

  • February

  • March

  • April

  • May

  • June

  • July

  • August

  • September

  • October

  • November

  • December