Baracoa Casas

Baracoa, Cuba
Uncategorised Homestay

Due to its remote location and laid-back appeal, Baracoa attracts a high proportion of independent travellers to Cuba and, as such, casa particulars play an important part in the accommodation scene.

  • View from Villa Paradiso casa particular in Baracoa
    — Baracoa, Villa Paradiso

As with Vinales, that other independent traveller destination right at the other end of the island, Baracoa doesn’t lack for quantity of casa particulars although quality is something of an issue.

You’ll certainly receive a warm welcome pretty much anywhere you stay, and the food is amongst the best you’ll experience anywhere in Cuba (thanks in part to the quality of local produce) but room quality and décor is generally somewhat basic.

Of course, and as with Vinales again, it’s not as if hotel options in Baracoa are anything to crow about so if this is a part of Cuba you wish to visit, staying in a casa particular is definitely worth considering – as long as you temper your expectations.

As Baracoa is a relatively small town, pretty much all casa particulars are located within easy walking distance of the town centre.

The one slight exception, but the best casa particular in Baracoa, is Villa Paradiso which is located on the side of a hill with panoramic views back across town and out to sea.


All over Baracoa town

Baracoa, Cuba


The meals provided are some of the best in Cuba


There is little in the way of quality casa accommodation in Baracoa

At A Glance

    Food & Drink Food & Drink

  • — Breakfast included
  • — Most casas can provide dinner on request

    Features Features

  • — Varies from casa to casa but generally very limited

    Rooms Rooms

  • — All rooms are ensuite
  • — A/c in all bedrooms

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